Thursday, December 07, 2006


Just a quick note to say I'm moving my blog over to wordpress. My new address will be:

On my new blog, I'll chronicle attempting to do 20 paintings by March 2007. This should be 2 a week......


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

30 Paintings By Christmas!

I did it - hurrah!
Here is Capable Carmen. She's 120cm square and is the latest doll for my Paper Dolls series, and the last of my '30 paintings by Christmas' challenge.

This has been so much fun, and it's been fantastic to have an excuse to paint, paint, paint, and be proud of the number of canvasses I'm producing instead of thinking - where am I going to put those, or - I'd better get out there and start selling.

Now I have to make myself another challenge
and try and meet it. The next one is by March.

If you feel like joining in the fun come over to and see the link Summer Studio Challenge. It's summer here in Australia and it's starting to feel like it too!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Drum Roll......... #29

Here is #29 - I can't believe it - I think I'm actually going tomake it - 30 paintings by Christmas. whoo hoo!

I've been so busily painting, that I havn't even done my Christmas shopping yet. Oh dear. ...

I usually have that done weeks and weeks ago - with a few left to the last minute to maintain my excitement about the whole thing. I'm starting to feel a knot in my stomach....

Shall have to do something about it. Perhaps I'll go right now and do something about it!

OK - I'm off.

OH - this is one for my exhibition next year I think :) Her name is Calamity.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

2 more and lots of exciting news!

The past couple of weeks have gone by in a blur!

I've been finishing up my works for the Burnley Harbour Show - down on the banks of the Yarra in Melbourne. It's run by the Contemporary Art Society, and it's the first year I've been involved. I'm looking forward to it. There will be 5 works on show by me, plus 100 other artists showing theirs. If you're in Melbourne, it's worth a look. Sat 2nd, Sun 3rd December.

The work on the left will be in the show. It's called 5 birds, and is a story of generations and how common experiences bring and bind them together.

Other news is that Tusk Gallery on Chapel Street, South Yarra is now representing me. Hurrah! I have a few of my dolls series in there, and also Miss Sugarpuss, who is saucily daring someone to take her home. Chapel Street is a very bust part of town, so it's a great gallery to be involved with, and they seem like really nice people too, which is always a plus.

And the last bit of news is that the super-marvellous Melinda Ransom, has been extraordinarily kind and generous and has asked me to join her in a 2 person show at the Frankston Art Centre early next year.

The show is titled "Love Generation", and I think I may be tackling it with a fair few of these long portraits, inspired by Yves from the Face-Hunter website. He has kindly allowed me to be use his photos for inspiration, and boy am I excited!

The show should open in the first weekend of February, so if you would like to come along, please send an email to and I'll make sure you get an invitation.

PS: these 2 paintings and 27 and 28 in the Christmas challenge. I'm almost there! whoo hoo.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

lastest paintings

It's been a busy couple of weeks - getting over the flu - catching up (and purging) on creative energy. The flu left my already overdeveloped sense of colour in overdrive. Scary but fun.

#22 is another for the dolls series.

He's called Football lover

#23 is a small work for a series of 3 I'm doing for the Linden Gallery postcard show. He's called "hoodie"

#24 is something a bit more personal. I attended a friends wedding many years ago, and the priest made a wonderful speech about how finding your mate in life was like matching socks. You can wear any socks you like, but to find the perfect match is special. Some seem almost right, others are obviously wrong, so be careful in the choices you make because you have to walk a long way in your life.

When he started I was quietly sniggering, but I was very moved by the end.

#25 is a piece to go into the Burnley Harbour Show in Melbourne in a few weeks. It's called "about a bird'' - another piece with acrylic and wax. I love the effect the wax has - it glows and looks silky and deep. I'm so happy about that discovery.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rooster Boys

Here's #20 and #21 on my 30 paintings by Christmas challenge.

I've recently been struggling with a bout of the flu. I was unable to paint, or do anything much for just over a week, and came out the other side in a colourful haze.

She's called The Lovesong in my heart.

The bright green one is called "Rooster Boys" - it always amazes me how little boys have as much bravado as big ones - it's just somewhere in the middle thast their confidence gets lost for a bit. I do love Roosters.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Here it is

Finished my painting for Georgie.

Hope she likes it.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Here is a progress shot of my painting for Georgie.

I think it might be finished. I need to sleep on it, and see how I feel tomorrow. I'm tossing up whether to leave it how it is or to give it a distressed treatment as I have been with the dolls.

Any comments welcome.....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Guess the instrument

It's hard thinking of a gift for someone as special as my lovely cousin Georgina. We are 6 months apart in age, and as neither of us has a sister, we've always been close.

I know that if I need anything she'll be there, that she worries about me when there's something wrong (actually she worries about almost everyone), that she is competely fascinating and fun and gorgeous, and that she (amazingly) accepts me and supports me exactly as I am.

She's my confidante, source of parenting advice, great, great, great friend, and I LOVE her. It's her birthday soon, and I want to give her something special just because, so I'm working on a secret project (well, secret to her).

Here's a detail. I need to finish it by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

30 paintings by christmas challenge

I joined the "30 paintings by christmas" challenge a few months back. It's a hefty slog - meaning that we needed to be doing 2 paintings a week to make the deadline.

It's thrilling and challenging, and sure is a motivator. It's meant I've done more towards a series than I would usually tackle in such a short time, and at the half-way mark, I'm halfway there!

Left - is #15 - 43 disguises - one for my Paper Dolls series. I'm loving this series.

I thought it might be nice to catalogue the process - in the scary countdown - so I'm moving it over from my journal at Australian Art Forum to here, and will attempt to make a post every few days. That's scary in itself......